The Third Jihad (2008), un film documentaire de Clarion Project, explore la montée de l’extrémisme islamiste aux Etats-Unis. Il révèle comment les extrémistes islamistes, mûs par un rejet d’origine religieuse des valeurs occidentales, entament une stratégie complexe pour prendre le dessus sur l’Occident. A l'inverse du « djihad violent » et du terrorisme visant à instiller la peur chez les « incroyants », ce film présente la notion de « djihad culturel » en tant que moyen d’infiltrer et de miner la société occidentale de l’intérieur.
Film entier (1 h 11) : La vision de l’islam radical pour les Etats-Unis
Bandes-annonce (1 à 2 mn) :
1 - Le 11 septembre et le silence des musulmans
Episode 1 exposes the US Islamic leadership’s overwhelming silence over condemning and publicly mourning the tragedy of 9/11. It highlights CAIR and other groups’ unwillingness to specifically condemn the terrorists of 9/11.
2 - L’Amérique dans le déni
Episode 2 looks at the reality of a country and culture in denial. A country that is not prepared to accept radical Islam as a credible threat to the security and ideals of the USA.
3 - L’Histoire et la guerre de religion
Episode 3 delves into the past to seek out the root of radical Islam by exposing a long and bloody history of persecution and religious war.
4 - Les trois djihads
Episode 4 exposes the three Jihads from war to cultural domination. Often call stealth Jihad, radical Islam plays the long game in slowly penetrating every aspect of society, bending it to its will.
5 - Le djihad final
Episode 5 spotlights the radical islam's relentless fight for global supremacy. We address the most pressing questions: what is Jihad, how is it taught and how is it used.
6 - La persécution religieuse
Episode 6 investigates radical Islam’s intolerance of other religions and its genocidal intent towards Christians, Jews and other faiths of the world.
7 - La mort des droits des femmes
Episode 7 looks at how radical Islam treats women and girls. In the world of sharia law, Islamists see women as second-class citizens. Their testimony in court is worth half of that of a man. Horrifically, a woman can be executed for adultery even if she is raped. Islamists encourage beatings and abuse of women as a form of misogynistic control.
8 - Les crimes d’honneur
Episode 8 uncovers the tragic world of radical Islam and honor violence. Men and women abusing and murdering their children for the sake of the family’s honor.
9 - La persécution des homosexuels
Episode 9 looks at radical Islam’s persecution and cruel treatment of the Gay community from shunning the gay community to murder and ritual execution.
10 - L’islam radical aux Etats-Unis
Episode 10 investigates radical Islam’s view of the USA, its mission of Jihad and inroads into terror.
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