After last Sunday's mission by Giorgia Meloni in Tunisia to stop departures, 550 boats landed on Lampedusa with 10,000 invaders! A real apocalypse! She is not the solution to the problem, she is the problem!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 23, 2023
The situation in Lampedusa is catastrophic. This night another 30 boats invaded us. There are almost more Africans than Italians on the island! The corrupt media say they are women and children but in reality they are just men. Stop the invasion, save Europe!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 17, 2023
African armed with an iron club devastated 58 cars in Rome in just two minutes! Guinness World Record! Stop the invasion, save Europe!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 22, 2023
The situation in Lampedusa is catastrophic. In the last 5 days, 180 boats loaded with invaders have landed. There are almost more Africans than Italians on the island. Ethnic substitution does not exist they say, the images say the opposite. Stop the invasion, save Europe!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 21, 2023
The situation in Lampedusa is catastrophic. In the last 5 days, 180 boats loaded with invaders have landed. There are almost more Africans than Italians on the island. Ethnic substitution does not exist they say, the images say the opposite. Stop the invasion, save Europe!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 21, 2023
More suffering children arriving from Tunisia. Stop the invasion, save Europe!
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) July 19, 2023
”En une semaine, 550 bateaux ont débarqué à Lampedusa avec 10 000 envahisseurs !”
Et que fait Mme Meloni ?
Une conférence à Rome concernant l’immigration.
La marine nationale italienne devrait être en alerte maximale depuis des mois pour reconduire dans des ports sûrs en Afrique du Nord toutes ces embarcations et leurs occupants.
A moins que cela soit voulu par l’UE et que Mme Meloni ne puisse faire que des promesses non tenues …
Tout voir, tout entendre et ne rien faire, telle est la devise de Mme Meloni contrairement à son illustre ancêtre Jules César : veni, vidi, vici….👏🏻