Arménie : “Pendant que l’horreur s’étend en Ukraine, l’Azerbaïdjan profite que l’on regarde ailleurs: depuis 5 jours, 100 000 habitants du Haut-Karabakh sont privés de gaz.”



It’s 0-°C w/ snowing in #Artsakh/#NagornoKarabakh;
📌For 5 days over 100,000 people (80% of the whole population) are fully deprived of gas heating & hot water;
📌#Azerbaijan doesn’t allow to repair the only gas pipeline coming from #Armenia which exploded under their control.

— Artak Beglaryan (@Artak_Beglaryan) March 12, 2022

Artsakh Foreign Minister David Babayan, in an interview with Zartonk, says that Azerbaijan has turned off the gas and does not allow Armenians to repair. @mfankr

— Zartonk Media (@ZartonkMedia) March 12, 2022

While all are occupied with #Ukraine and #Russia, humanitarian crisis is happening next door: already for 5 days entire population of #Artsakh/#NagornoKarabakh are left without gas under ~0C as #Azerbaijan’i side doesn’t allow to repair the main gas pipeline coming from #Armenia

— Anna A. Naghdalyan (@naghdalyan) March 12, 2022

Crimes against #humanity through continuous #genocial policy-since March 8 #Artsakh faces humanitarian disaster caused by🇦🇿: over 100,000 people, hospitals, schools, kindergartens have no Gas,heating & hot water[up to -4 outside]; #Shootings at villages;threatening people w/force

— Arman Tatoyan (@atatoyan) March 13, 2022

Pendant que l’horreur s’étend en Ukraine, l’Azerbaïdjan profite que l’on regarde ailleurs: depuis 5 jours, 100 000 habitants du Haut-Karabakh sont privés de gaz. Et il fait froid en mars dans cette partie du Caucase. Silence général des nations. Honte. 🇦🇲🇦🇿

— Nathalie Loiseau (@NathalieLoiseau) March 12, 2022

⭕🇦🇲#Armenia: As we have already said, Azeris are exploiting the situation in 🇺🇦#Ukraine, so as to capture territory from #Artsakh.
👉3 days ago a huge military column spotted, moving towards Ganja near the border with Armenia

— 🅻-🆃🅴🅰🅼 (@L_Team10) March 12, 2022

Seriously ? L'#Artsakh #HautKarabakh est sur le point d'être encore attaqué par l'Azerbaïdjan, a perdu des milliers de ses enfants il y a 1 an dans 1 guerre atroce, lutte pour ne pas mourir de froid, et il enverrait des combattants contre l'#Ukraine qu'il aide humanitairement ?

— J-Christophe Buisson (@jchribuisson) March 13, 2022

Azerbaijan sabotaged a gas line servicing 100k people in Artsakh and won’t let crews repair it. Azerbaijan also continues to unilaterally violate the ceasefire.

It’s incredible that these “peace talks” are framed as progress while Azerbaijan continues its aggressions.

— Lindsey Snell (@LindseySnell) March 12, 2022

Please share. The brave & resilient Armenian people of Artsakh need help. Once again, while the world’s attention is elsewhere, Azerbaijan is trying to drive Armenians from their ancestral homeland. This time…by damaging and preventing repair of an essential gas pipeline. Go to

— Eric Esrailian (@esrailian) March 12, 2022

#Stepanakert right now.
It is the 6th day that people of #Artsakh/ #NagornoKarabakh are deprived of natural gas due to the "efforts" of the Azerbaijani side.
And this is 21th century.

— LA (@Lilit_Asryan) March 13, 2022


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